
Friday, August 27, 2010

Tidying up the cupboards....

It was 1983 and I had just turned 20. We were not married yet and it was the first time we went on vacation together. We had a tent, very cheap (but very heavy as we found out later) and a backpack, even cheaper and heavier. We had an "Interrail" ticket which would bring us all across Europe by train. I remember my father warning my husband: "Please don't hitchhike, but if you do, let my daughter get in the car last and out of the car first!". We went as far as Yugoslavia, where Tito's portrait was still all over the country, where the famous bridge in Mostar hadn't been bombed yet and the walls around Dubrovnik were still intact. I can still see the place where we bought this coffee set. We have travelled a lot since 1983, but this first time, with almost no money, has left a huge impression.


  1. I realized I'd missed several of your posts. You have some lovely things. You might connect them to some of the blog parties out there, they are so pretty.
    I enjoyed the story that went along with this set too :-)

  2. Goedemorgen Natacha! Leuk die herinneringen! Zou het nog bestaan zo'n interrail abonnement?
    Weet je, het heeft mij altijd zo verbaasd, mmm verbijsterd is misschien beter uitgedrukt, dat die mensen in voormalig Joegoslavië vrijwel direct na het verkrijgen van wat meer vrijheid oorlog gingen voeren ipv toeristen te trekken naar hun prachtige land.
    Kan iemand mij dat uitleggen?
