
Friday, January 1, 2016

The coolest present ever

The boys gave me this time locking container
for Christmas. I am rather self-disciplined most
 of the time, but when it comes to chocolate and
 candy, my self-discipline has its limits.
And my boys know that!

I had never heard of this container before, 
but it is really working for me.
When I eat one piece of candy, I have to empty
 the whole bag and one bite of chocolate
completely blows my willpower...
Sometimes I even ask my husband 
to hide my chocolate bar in the evening
so I won't be able to find it in the morning.

Yes, it's that bad!

What I do now when I have the feeling
I'm going to eat too much chocolate, I just
throw it in the container quickly and
 turn and push the button.
And once the lid is closed, you
need a hammer to open it!

PS: It works equally well for tablets and cell phones ;).