
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Reading, watching, listening

I am currently reading this "Findus and Pettson"
 Christmas story with my kids.
A little late, but they insisted. 
Sven Nordqvist's picture books are my favorites.
I bought Sylvia Plath's diaries years ago
in the Netherlands,
but didn't start reading the book until recently.
She was a gifted poet and novelist, suffering
from severe depression.
She was only 30 when she committed suicide
on February 11, 1963, which was two days
before I was born.
It isn't an easy book, but really worth reading!
Downton Abbey!
Everybody seems to love this series and I do too.
I watched the first three episodes and I think I
am already addicted.
I bought the original version with Dutch subtitles,
because German series and movies are usually dubbed.
That's ok for some movies, but a British production
like Dowton Abbey just has to be watched in English.

I am listening to Kate Pullinger's "The Mistress of Nothing".
It is my first audiobook download on an MP3 player.
The player was part of my Audible subscription and there are certainly better players, but it is ok for listening one audiobook at the time.

“Based on Lucie Duff Gordon's "Letters from Egypt", this is a lushly evocative period novel. Lady Duff Gordon is the toast of Victorian London. But when her debilitating tuberculosis means exile, she and her devoted lady's maid, Sally, set sail for Egypt. It is Sally who describes, with a mixture of wonder and trepidation, the odd menage marshalled by the resourceful Omar, which travels down the Nile to a new life in Luxor. As Lady Duff Gordon undoes her stays and takes to native dress, throwing herself into weekly salons; language lessons; excursions to the tombs; Sally too adapts to a new world, affording her heady and heartfelt freedoms never known before. But freedom is a luxury that a maid can ill-afford, and when Sally grasps more than her status entitles her to, she is brutally reminded that she is mistress of nothing.”
I am really enjoying this audio book about
Lady Lucie's and her maid Sally's life in Egypt.
I take it with me everywhere I go.
I try to squeeze in a couple of minutes
every time I am waiting for my kids in the car.